Sunday, January 25, 2009

Foundation of Marriage

Today we began a series on issues, we tend to think that other have issues but we have truth be told we all have issues. Over the next few weeks we will deal with some of those issues. Some will be cultured related, but some will probably will hit home.

Today we dealt with marriage. Seems our culture has issues with marriage, especially the definition. Maryland and most other states only recognize marriage between a man and a woman, but a couple states have had courts overrule that. Now we want to decide the definition of marriage.

Here is the problem God has made it pretty clear marriage is one man, one woman, for life. How do some get two men, or two women out of that? How do some think that marriage can end for whatever reason, after reading that? Its become an issue.

Missed the sermon, click on the title above it will take you to the Edgemere Bible Church web-site. Click on The foundation of Marriage and here what the Bible says.

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