Saturday, August 29, 2009

Losing Your Religion

Andy Stanley is doing a series on Losing your Religion, this is an interesting article that goes along with his preaching. Click on the title to read the article.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I Wonder....

We just had our first car show/yard sale, and it all went pretty well. We had a good turnout, people seemed to enjoy themselves, and if you have an extra $25,000 laying around I know where you can purchase a really nice 1940 Lasalle. It was interesting to watch the people come and go, but it was some of the conversations that caused me concern.

I have been at Edgemere Bible Church for almost 10 years and after hearing some of the folks yesterday I wonder what we have been doing. When we have done VBS, we have coated that neighborhood with flyer's and knocking on doors. We have done team kids during the school year and had many kids from the community and their parents there for different events. I could list other numerous things we have done.

During the course of the day I had numerous people who have lived in the community for many years say, I did not even know you all were here. My thought was what have we been doing all this time, or maybe a better question what haven't we been doing. I know what we need to do, each of us must figure out a way to reach those around us. I am not talking about around the building that the church meets at, I am talking about those around us each and every day.

It is pretty clear that what we are beginning to see in surveys is true, people that we know impact us the most. I know those people have received flyer's, and personal invites, but not from people they know. Church it is time we begin to impact this world, it starts with those around you and I.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Star Wars Theme on The Banjo

The banjo song for the month is one that you would probably never expect to hear on the banjo. Enjoy.

Man Plays An Awesome Star Wars Theme Tune On His Banjo - The funniest videos are a click away