If you are around the same age as me the past couple days probably has caused you to reflect a little. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson have all died within the past couple days. As I grew up they were all on the seen. McMahon was Johnny Carson's sidekick on the Tonight Show, you know the one that Jay Leno just turned over to Conan O'Brien. There was not all the cable channels we have now, so if you were up late you probably watched at least the opening monologue of the Tonight Show. That laugh you heard off camera was Ed McMahon, and every once in a while he would show Carson up in a skit.
Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson came on the seen as I was growing up. In the beginning Farrah was known as the wife of Lee Majors, the Six Million Dollar Man, then came Charlie's Angels. Before long Lee Majors was known as Farrah Fawcett's ex-husband. As an actress and model Farrah would become one of the biggest names in the entertainment industry. Micheal was just a little guy when he started singing with the rest of his family, and in the long run he became the biggest star of the family. How many times millions of people sat there waiting for Michael Jackson's newest video to debute, and thought the moon walk was so cool. Think about how cool it would have been to have a Neverland in your backyard.
It is amazing how time changes perspective, at one point we would have given anything to switch places with anyone of them. I think if you know anything about their recent years, most of us would have given anything not to be in their shoes. Financial problems, health problems, and legal concerns, affected each of them in one way or another. At this point the preacher in me would like to get rather lengthy, but I will just close with this.
As we go through life our focus cannot be the place someone else holds in the eyes of the world, whether it is stardom, power, or wealth. You and I do not see the big picture and we do know what life holds for them. Our focus on others needs to a spiritual concern, we do they stand with Jesus. Rich or poor, powerful or lowly, famous or totally unknown, each of us need Jesus.
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