Monday, October 30, 2017

The Battle 10/29/17

This Sunday's sermon at Edgemere Bible Church.  We are back and talking about the Kingdom of God, and the kingdom work in which we are to be involved.  For most before or as we take that step there is going to be a battle, and it is during that battle that we decide to begin or continue that kingdom work.  Check it out, but before you do google the picture vulture and the little girl it is referenced during the sermon.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Real Repentance

Sermon today at Edgemere Bible Church.  Last week we talked about the Call that went out to the seven churches in Revelation, and that continues today.  It is a call to repentance, and it continues to the church today.  We have seen some respond I have sinned, but is that true repentance.  I hope you will check it out.