Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

It is Christmas Eve, everything is done, now we are able to just sit back and relax.  This is a time of year I have always enjoyed, but now working for the Post Office it can also be a time you dread.  You know Christmas means lots of packages and cold, long days.  At this time of year there are lots of things competing for our attention.

As we go through tonight and tomorrow enjoy all the things that come with Christmas, but do not lose focus of the reason we have to celebrate Christmas.  Jesus, God's Son, was born into this world as a helpless little baby. Through Him the greatest gift that could ever be given would be provided, salvation. Through His life, His death, His resurrection, Jesus came to make a way for all of us to be able to reach God.  We did not earn it, we do not deserve it, it is a gift, a free gift.  This is the reason we celebrate Christmas:

For there was born that day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Song of the month - The First Noel, Oh Come Let Us Adore Him, Joy to the World ...

Bela Fleck is an amazing player and he is going to play a little Christmas Music for us.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving.  I hope it is a day when we will all take time to be thankful for the many blessings we receive.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Little Late and A Little Early Song of The Month - What Child Is This

I know it is not Christmas yet, but I like how he does this song.  Enjoy.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Problem with the Post Office

In case you have not heard the Post Office is in a bit of financial situation.  In fact according to Jack Potter, Postmaster General, it will be broke by next year this time.  There a lot of reasons for this, and this article gives a great example of one of them.  Click on the title above and see just how insane some of the rules are that the Post Office has to work under.

Let me add another thought, in the conversations about the Post Office everyone wants someone else to make sacrifices.  I have no problem with that, in the 18 months I have gone to only getting a day off every other week and taking a $1800 pay cut.  Now it is time for others, the upper management, congress, and the public, to make sacrifices as well. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Song Of The Month- Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Not really bluegrass but I like the idea of sitting out in the field playing the banjo. Enjoy.

How Clear Is Your Gospel Presentation?

I have been talking with over the last few months, the struggle is am I really saved?  At one point he believed, but then got caught up in somethings that pulled him away from the church and living a Christian life.  Which brings us to the last few months, he has looked at how maybe he was never saved, or maybe lost his salvation.  We finally got to a point where he nailed this down, but today he came back with can it be that easy.  Grace is just that a free gift, and when presented correctly it can cause some to wonder is it this easy, or will it not allow people to sin.  Click on the title above and ask yourself how clear is your gospel presentation.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The People Have Spoken, So Accept It

Allow me to go political for a few moments.  I tend to like people that will not take no for answer, but enough is enough.  Over the past couple years we have seen politicians who seem to think this country will not survive without them in office.  Two years ago Republican Wayne Gilchrest was beaten in the primaries and not only did it take him forever, and I am not sure he has yet, to concede. He then endorsed a Democrat in the General Election.  Who can forget Arlen Specter switching parties, why because he would not be reelected as a Republican.  He was not elected as a Democrat either. 

Charlie Crist was asked in a debate if he would become an independent candidate if he did not get the Republican nomination, his reply I am a Republican.  Until he did not get the Republican nomination, now he is an independent candidate.  Lisa Murkowski did not get the nomination in Alaska, so she is beginning a write in candidacy.  Karl Rove and Charles Krauthammer said it was all about getting 51 Republican votes in the Senate, until Christine O'Donnell won in Delaware, now it is all about keeping her out.  The list goes on and on.

There is the old adage that says power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  These people all struggle with letting go of that power, and understanding that the people have spoken.  To disagree with them is to be wrong in their eyes, and that is a problem. Basically they are looking at the voters and saying you are stupid and don't know what you are doing. For so long they have asked conservative Republicans to hold their nose and pull the lever for the Republican candidate for the sake of the party, even if they did not hold to conservative values.  Now when it comes time for them to do the same, it is unthinkable.  It is time for the Republican leadership to come out of the ivory tower and realize things have changed. The people have spoken and either they will get on board or be left behind.

One last thought for Mr Rove and Mr Kauthammer, it is not Lisa O'Donnell who will ruin the chances for Republicans gaining control of the Senate, it is you and the others who have taken it upon themselves to criticize her worse than the Democrats ever will.  Get off your high horse and become of what is going on or keep quiet and get out of the way.  Thank you for indulging this little rant.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Song of the Month - Salty Dog Blues

Newest song I am working on is Salty Dog Blues, which is also song of the month.  Enjoy.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Judge's Logic

A few weeks ago a judge in California declared that the voter decision that marriage is between a man and a woman is unconstitutional.  This will continue to until it is decided by the Supreme Court.  The part of his ruling that jumped out to me: “The evidence shows conclusively that moral and religious views form the only basis for a belief that same-sex couples are different from opposite-sex couples,” Walker wrote. “Moral disapproval alone is an improper basis on which to deny rights to gay men and lesbians. The evidence shows conclusively that Proposition 8 enacts, without reason, a private moral view that same-sex couples are inferior to opposite-sex couples.”  Do others not see the problem with this, “Moral disapproval alone is an improper basis on which to deny rights to gay men and lesbians."

Many will take exception, maybe even be offended by the following statement, mankind's moral disapproval finds its foundation in God.  Other wise how do we come to realization that murder, rape, or stealing is wrong.  If God did not establish a moral code, how did we know any of these and others crimes are actually crimes.  You say murder is wrong, why because you say so, according to this judge your moral disapproval alone is not enough.  You would next say well the law says it is wrong.  Somewhere someone said, based on moral disapproval alone, that murder is wrong.  Then it seems that a bunch of people agreed and it became law, but according to this judge that would have to be struck down.

Now you say, the Judge said it is unconstitutional, but what is the constitution?  It is a document that was put together by guys sitting around making decisions based on moral disapproval or moral approval alone.  As your argument continues you would say well I am sure that they worked from other laws that they were familiar with, which again had been established by people making based on moral disapproval and moral approval alone.  Using this Judge's decision we could theoretically wipe out every law that has ever been established.

The reasoning for this judge's decision is not just wrong it is scary. There are alot of people out that would like to remove moral disapporval on many topics, not just same sex marriage but everything from drugs to adult / child sex. The only thing holding them at bay is our moral disapproval.

What this Judge and many other will never admit, our laws are in fact established from the very one who gave us the foundation for all laws.  When God gave Moses the 10 commandments, He laid the foundation that many nations have worked from as they formed their code of law.  Most of us possess that moral approval and disapproval in our own subconscious.  There is just that still small voice in us that says that is wrong, whether it is murder, theft, and the list goes on.  I thank God for our moral diapproval, and my prayer for our nation is that moral disapproval will never go away.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Song of The Month: Fox On The Run

Heard this played by The Mountian String Band at Dollywood, knew then it would be the song this month.  This version is done by The Country Gentlemen.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

10 Lies About God And The Truths That Shatter Deception

Over the last few weeks I have been preaching through the book, 10 Lies About God And The Truths That Shatter Deception written by Dr. Irwin.  There are some lies that have been started and for the most part accepted by the vast majority.  In each chapter Dr. Irwin presents the lie, and then refutes it.  Some topics we have dealt with, God is whatever we want Him to be, Many paths lead into God's presence, and the list goes on.  The problem is many people have accepted these lies as fact with no regard to what the Bible says.  This has led to many having a totally wrong view of God. 

 So far we have dealt with four of these lies, if you would like to check those sermons out click on the title above.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Brian Roberts - Learning to fail

Ran across this video someone had posted on Orioles Hangout and you one of the very good baseball players of today sharing how he deals with adversity, and his faith.

Penn Jillette Gets A Gift

I really don't watch Penn & Teller, if they are just doing the illusions they are fine but the commentary can get to be a bit much.  I just read an article where the writer was feeling the same way, even to the point where if he had the opportunity he would have a hard time telling Penn about Jesus.  Then he ran across this video of Penn telling how someone did make this effort to share with him.  Listen closely and you may have to watch it a couple time, because he asks a profound question that we need to ask ourselves.  He did not become a christian, but he was impacted.

Ballad Of Jed Clampett (Bilingual Version)

Probably have never heard this song done this way.

Song of The Month: Wrenk Of Old 97

The song features video from the Beverley Hillbillies.  Enjoy Lester & Earl, and Jed as he dances a little.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pastors Being Called Out

Pastor Matt Chandler had the opportunity to speak at The Southern Baptist Pastor's convention, that takes place before the Southern Baptist Annual Convention.  Usually in these situations a young pastor might be tempted to wax eloquent in order to impress those in attendance.  Not Matt, he spoke a message that pastors,and all Christians need to hear. It is a call back to the gospel.  A call to help believers grow in their faith.  A call to live a life sold out to God.  Click on the title above, read the article and share it with others.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Another Interesting Step

John Piper stepping down for a few month, I know your first thought what has he done.  Is this another pastor who fallen?  Read the article and you will see he has struggles, but not with what we usually hear about.  I have to admire John Piper and Francis Chan, for their desire to put God first and not be satisfied with the status quo.  Maybe we can learn a lesson from these two men.

Comfortable, That May Not Be A Good Thing

Most of us just want to be comfortable, physically, financially, and spiritually, could that be wrong. According to Pastor Francis Chan it might be. Click on the title above and see the steps he has taken.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Song of The Month Gold Rush Instrumental - Clark Family Bluegrass

Congratulations to the Clark Family this is the second time they have been featured in the song of the month. Enjoy.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Clinch Mountain Backstep

A little late getting the song of the month up, but here is The Clinch Mountain Backstep played by Dr. Ralph Stanley. Another song that I am learning. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Real Reason For Easter -- Revelation Song

As we go into Easter, remember what it is that Jesus has done for us. Because of His death and resurrection we have a way to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. Have a Blessed Easter.

Friday, March 19, 2010

What Does The Bible Say About.....

What does the Bible say about...., that question comes up every once in a while. It is usually someone I work with that will ask about a certain situation, and it is interesting to watch how they respond. A few months ago I threw that out to our church, I asked them to write down anything that they would like to know what the has to say in regards to that topic. I did the same on Wednesday night with the kids we have coming in from the community, and we got some interesting responses. On Sundays we are working through these each week.

We have dealt with things like wealth, prosperity theology, angels, and demons. The last few week we began a progression from the topics that we put in, it started with Why do bad things happen to good people, last week we looked at death & dying, the next two weeks will be dealing with Heaven and Hell. Which will lead us up to Easter. If you would like to hear what the Bible has to say about these topics, click the title above and it will take you to Edgemere Bible Church's website. If you are in the Edgemere area feel free to join us as we look at What Does The Bible Say About.....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Can You Hear Me Now?

Wouldn't it be nice just to hear God's booming voice proclaiming what we are to do, but it does not happen that way. This little girl asks her dad a question that many of us would like the answer to as well. Click on the title above to read the article.

Dooley, By The Darlings

Hard to believe it is March already, but here is the song of the month. If you watch the Andy Griffith show from time to time you saw the Darling family, they were a family that lived in the mountains and played some good music. Actually the pickers were played by the Dillards, a group from that time. Sit back and enjoy.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Remember that? It was part of the theme song for the show Cheers, which was a bar set in Boston. The idea was it was a place where everybody knows your name, thereby making you accepted or a part of something. That is really what most people crave, just to be accepted, to be a part of something. We will go back to those places or people that make us feel that way.

Some of us might be surprised to find out that according to a recent survey people say most churches are not a place that is accepting, a place that makes you feel welcomed. It is time we take a long hard look at how we deal with people that come in our churches. It is time to become a place where everybody knows your name. Click on the title if you would like to see the article.

Postponing Church

That is always a hard decision. We use to live next door to the church and I always told folks, I will be here and you are the one who has to decide if you can make it or not. Now living an hour away makes it a hard decision. This weekend was not to hard, 2 feet of snow tends to make it easier. Last week was tough and after deciding to close I spent the next day thinking that was a mistake. I hope this is the last time this winter we have to worry about this. I say all that to say, all services are postponed at Edgemere Bible Church on Sunday February 7.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Navy Choir and Bluegrass?

Not two things that you would think of in the same sentence, but it works. Check it out.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Brit Hume And Christianity

Brit Hume made some bold statements in regards to Tiger Woods getting his life straightened out, which naturally caused an uproar. He has stood by his remarks and even shared some of his testimony. Click on the title above to see one of the many articles about his response.

Ground Speed- Song of The Month

This is the song of the month and the newest one I happen to be working on. I would have shown a video of me playing it, but Earl can actually play the song. Enjoy.